❝ Everything That Lives Is Designed To End. They Are Perpetually Trapped In A Never-Ending Spiral Of Life And Death. However, Life Is All About The Struggle Within This Cycle. That Is What 'We' Believe ❞

avidia goe iuvenlis ♦ the white wolf, child of the wise men

❝ Even in this, darkest of nights, I see The Moonlight... ❞

name ♦ avidia goe iuvenlis
alias ♦ snow white, the white wolf
age ♦ 25
gender ♦ female
date of birth ♦ 1 . 4

height ♦ 5 fulm 2 ilm
race ♦ pureblood garlean
alignment ♦ true neutral
occupation ♦ ???
sexuality ♦ pansexual

A wolf traverses black stone—
its snout dipped in ash—
it looks to the moon and howls

Avidia's life was not one shrouded in warmth, crafting an icy demeanor around the woman that persists to this day. She is not known for her compassion nor for her mercy— rather The White Wolf has been a name that has become known with a ruthless grasp and cold efficiency. There is a heart, shriveled and scarred, beneath the distant gaze. But even that is reserved for only those closest to her.

Brutal efficiency is synonymous with her name. A childhood in squalor birthed independance and capability, while teen years spent in the marble halls of noble houses refined it. Today she ventures down many paths, walking each one with familiarity— the confessionals of the poor; the velvet chaises of the rich; and the steel gazes of the soldiers.

opalescent ♦ Avidia's hair and eyes, while snow white, possess opalescent highlights where the sunlight strikes it. Such a characteristic is hereditary to the Balventius family— an upper-class Garlean family well-known for their military presence. Considering that the head of the family, Decima, only ever had one child with her husband... the implications of such a thing are unfortunate.scarred ♦ Avidia's torso is littered with pale scars. From the whip-marks that scatter her back, to the long crack-like lines that trace across her chest and up towards her neck. Some of them seem to glitter with white crystal in the very center, as if it has been embedded within her flesh.aether ♦ Avidia possesses quite a large aetherpool for a Pureblood. It has a leaning towards ice, but it positively drips with Astral alignment. Some people have seen her using aether at shows as well... an odd thing for a Pureblood Garlean.ave imperium ♦ After hiding her heritage for years, Avidia has recently - after the conclusion of the war - dropped pretenses in public. She is outwardly presenting as a Pureblood Garlean now, instead of as the Ishgardian alias 'Amelia' she went by for years.

the white wolf ♦ The name The White Wolf has become synonymous with the soldier and the spy alike. Those within the Imperial Military would know her to be something of a prodigy— young and skilled in the arts of strategy, combat, and leadership. Only other Frumentarii know of her true rank— those outside of the organization believe her to be a 'quo', and a member of the Vth Legion.snow white ♦ Years ago, in the capital before she joined the Military proper, Avidia used to frequent speakeasies and dive bars within the Garlean Capital... especially those of a shadier disposition. Oftentimes she would grace the stage under the name 'Snow White', performing swing music, gothic melodies and ballads, and piano or violin instrumentals.cities in dust ♦ Avidia did not grow up in an illustrious setting. Her formative childhood years were spent on the street, living in hunger and cold. As such she became quite familiar with other homeless children living in the alleyways and warehouses and sewers of the Capital. She fled such life circumstances when a fire overtook the block she lived on, but still remembers those from her childhood.comfort of the void ♦ At a time Avidia possessed a Dancer's soulstone. Today this has been changed, warped and modified from some outside magical influence. While still posessing the shape of a Dancer's, it now resembles that of a Reaper's, with astral aether pulsing through it. Avidia is a Reaper, aligned to a voidsent known by few as 'Phrenesis', and it is a calling and heritage she is continuing to explore.

♥ - relationship♡ - romantic△ - complicated◆ - platonic
☆ - familial♪ - professional✤ - Acquaintance◌ - deceased
✔ - positive✘ - negative? - unsure 

Rhel Zerivani
◆ ?
Rhel and Avidia's friendship started years ago, between soldier and conscript. Strife and suffering is what forged their bond, and for years it was as though the two could even sense each other's thoughts. Nowadays.. she's more unsure of him than she has been in a long time. Of his thoughts and motives, and prays that he won't wind up tearing himself apart.

R'aha aan Balventius
◆ ♪ ✔
R'aha serves Avidia's family as a retainer and a member of their entourage. While Avidia finds him annoying at the best of times he's one of the few she puts her faith in in battle. While she wouldn't invite him for a drink, she'd certainly go to him when she needs assistance.

Fabius pyr Balventius
☆ ✔ ?
Fabius is Avidia's brother by blood, and the two spent many of their formative childhood years together. The years have left the two wary and unsure of each other in the worst of times, but one thing remains true: There's nobody Avidia cares more about.

I'zhakke Kavi
◆ ✔
Formerly in a relationship, these two have maintained a friendship after their split. Avidia trusts I'zhakke as council, and the miqo'te is one of the few that the garlean would drop everything for to offer her assistance.

Siries mal Survius
◆ ✔
Once engaged, connected by bond and blood, they have since split off. Her relationship with the other woman is now tenuous, and she does not see her often. It is still something she is trying to work through, but she still likes to see her when she does.

Thank you for reading this far! I'm Peep— I'm 23 and I've been RPing on Balmung since 2.0, though I started doing forum and chatbox RP about ten years ago.I like most kinds of roleplay in equal measure— be it casual and light, darker themes, longterm plot, or something in between. I am currently working and taking part in a couple other plots so my time is a bit limited, but I'm eager to work with you in DMs to try and figure something out! Combat RP is also a plus.. generally I prefer to roll it out with people I've just met, but if I've RP'd with you for a while then I'm fine using the honor system.I'm okay with lore-bending, though not outright breaking. I prefer to prioritize the 'rule of cool' over strictly adhering to lore, and if something is fun for both of us then I don't really care how much it stretches the boundaries of lore. Anything that lets our characters both be cool and have their time in the limelight is perfect for me!Dark/Mature themes are fine (and preferred, actually) but please note that I do not ERP with strangers, and that Avidia is in a closed relationship. Sexual and romantic plots are simply off the table.

in game name ♦ Amelia Chanteuse ♦ Balmung
discord ♦ beepo#9785